Click on the images to read biography accounts of the ten key personalities from the Pursuit of Sovereignty topic.
Resource showing examples of how to cite sources in the Outline Plan of the Research Study Report. View and download this PDF: ![]()
View and download on Scribd: The Bloodied Field PodcastEight episode podcast series, telling the events of Bloody Sunday in Croke Park on November 21st 1920. Michael Collins House Podcast SeriesPodcast series on all aspects of the revolutionary period, including the role played by Cumann na mBan, and the hunger strike of Terence MacSwiney. Fingal Festival of History 2020Fingal Libraries' podcast series focuses on the War of Independence in Dublin, particularly the Sack of Balbriggan. Lorcan Collins' Revolutionary IrelandLorcan is well known for his history walking tours in Dublin. His podcast series considers all aspects of the revolutionary period. Irish History PodcastFin Dwyer's podcasts bring you on a journey throughout Irish history. In February 2021, he began a series focusing on the War of Independence. Kilkenny Library Services - Eoin Swithin WalshEoin Swithin Walsh explores various aspects of Kilkenny during the War of Independence. Nano Nagle Place PodcastHistory IrelandIrish history podcasts from History Ireland magazine. Their archive includes many podcasts related to the revolutionary period. West Cork FM - The History ShowKieran Doyle's History Show on West Cork FM has plenty of podcasts about the revolutionary years. NewsTalk - Talking HistoryPatrick Geoghegan's history show on Newstalk is one of the best! Search through the archive for shows relating to the revolutionary period. The Irish History ShowPresented by Cathal Brennan and John Dorney, the show looks at many different aspects of Irish history, including Ireland's revolutionary struggle. Three Castles BurningDonal Fallon's Three Castles Burning is a social history podcast. Listen to this episode, Tom Clarke's Revolutionary Newsagents. The 2018 state exams for History are on Wednesday 13th June:
Leaving Certificate Timetable 2018 Junior Certificate Timetable 2018 Flashcards are a very effective tool for helping students retain knowledge. This is a particularly useful strategy for history. Below is a student guide to using flashcards. This can be downloaded and printed. Download and print guide: ![]()
Below is a resource for planning a leaving cert history essay using topic sentence. A topic sentence indicates the theme of a main body paragraph. The main themes of the essay should be signposted in the introduction. Usually, it is the first sentence of a paragraph, but not always. For example, it could be the last sentence of the previous paragraph. One topic sentence can be used for 1 or 2 main body paragraphs. Having considered the question, draft a set of topic sentences. The essay should contain between 4 and 6 topic sentences. For each topic sentence, list approximately 4 key terms to be used in the development. The conclusion can briefly summarise the main points of the essay. However, in order to go beyond summary marks [4], you must do more. I advise asking a question that will illicit an independent thought drawn from the facts in the essay. Once the plan is complete, begin writing your essay using information from your textbook, notes and online resources. For more tips on leaving cert history essay writing, refer to this target sheet. ![]()
The 2017 Leaving Cert and Junior Cert History exam papers can be viewed using the links below. |
lchist_-_target_sheet_for_essays.pdf | |
File Size: | 150 kb |
File Type: |
The Cork History Teachers' Association have set up a YouTube Channel. It is full of relevant videos for junior and senior history students and teachers. Videos are arranged into helpful playlists. It's a fantastic resource! Check it out and subscribe. Anyone can suggest videos to be added by using #CorkHTAYouTube on twitter. |
All leaving cert history exam papers and marking schemes [HL & OL] now in one place on History Matters 365. Click on the link below to view:
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Christian O'Connor, history teacher, St. Mary's Secondary School, Mallow, Co. Cork.
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